Harvick Re-Elected to Central Texas Farm Credit Board

EARLY, Texas — Stockholders of Central Texas Farm Credit recently re-elected Kenneth Harvick of Comanche to the rural lending cooperative’s board of directors. He will serve a three-year term.
Harvick is a rancher in Comanche County with an operation consisting of improved grassland and a cow-calf herd and a haying operation. He is the former president of Gore’s, Inc. in Comanche, Texas, which was a dairy, beef cattle and feed manufacturing business that operated in Texas and New Mexico. Harvick attended Tarleton State University and is past president of the Texas Holstein Association and is a member of the Comanche Roping Club. He and his wife, Vickie, are members of First Baptist Church in Comanche. He was first elected to the board in 2012 and most recently served as board vice chairman.
“Because we are a cooperative, our stockholders elect our board members, who are stockholders themselves,” said Central Texas Farm Credit CEO Jimmy Chambers. “Kenneth has displayed exceptional leadership and is committed to ensuring the safety and soundness of our operations. We congratulate Mr. Harvick and thank our customer-members for participating in the election process.”
Central Texas Farm Credit finances farmland and ranchland, agribusiness operations, rural homes and recreational property in its 20-county area. A member of the Farm Credit System, it is headquartered in Early and has branch offices in Brady, Early, Coleman, Comanche, Haskell, San Angelo, and San Saba.