Ranching Couple Takes Stock of National Farm Credit System

Kevin and Jonna Busher of Winters recently learned firsthand how the Farm Credit System carries out its mission to provide dependable credit to agriculture and rural America, and how Wall Street and Capitol Hill are connected to the process.
They were among 32 young agricultural producers selected to attend the Farm Credit Young Leaders Program last fall. The couple, member-borrowers of Central Texas Farm Credit, which is a part of the Farm Credit System, met with government officials and representatives of the financial and agricultural industries.
During the annual event, participants traveled to New York City, where they visited the Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation and an international brokerage firm on Wall Street for a behind-the-scenes look at how the Farm Credit System brings money to rural America. The group then traveled to Washington, D.C., to meet with the leadership of the Farm Credit Council and other agricultural trade organizations.
The Bushers were selected to participate because they are actively involved in the agriculture industry and their communities — and because these current and future leaders need to have an understanding of, and appreciation for, the role Farm Credit plays in supporting agriculture.
The Bushers’ diversified agricultural operation includes cow-calf and stocker cattle, as well as wheat and other crops. Jonna is a former teacher and has spent the last few years helping with the family farming and ranching operation and rearing their four children. Kevin is active with the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association and was recently elected director at their 2014 convention. He also serves as president of the Winters ISD Board of Trustees.
Central Texas Farm Credit is proud of these up-and-coming young leaders, and thanks them for their contributions to their community.